Last year, under President Joe Biden an Social Security Commissioner, Martin O’Malley, the Agency only recovered 10% of overpayments each month. This policy recognized that Social Security is the sole support of the overwhelming number of disability recipients and an important source for retirees. The recovery rate for SSI recipients remains 10% Commissioner O’Malley resigned…
You knew it was coming given the cutbacks in other parts of the Social Security Agency. President Trump’s efficiency guru, Elon Musk has plans to cut back 7,000 of the 60, 000 SS employees. This means that the wait time to answer the phone and process hearings and appeals will likely get longer. Employees have…
Summer 2021 Newsletter STILL STANDING…AND PRACTICING I published the first issue of Social Security & You in Spring of 1993. Some years I’ve published more issues than others. The most recent issue was dated Spring 2019: over 2 years ago. The world was a much different place then. Especially for me. Read the full newsletter…
Spring 2019 Newsletter An Opioid Story I’ve changed his name. Let’s call him Gerald. He was a laborer. And by that I don’t mean that he just did physical work. He was a card-carrying member the Labor’s Union local. And that meant a lot to him. I represented him for Social Security disability and Michigan…
Of the estimated 13,000 Washtenaw County residents eligible for the Health Michigan Plan, Michigan’s expanded Medicaid plan under the Affordable Care Act, more than 7,400 have successfully enrolled since the roll out began April 1st.
Many of my clients (both Social Security and Workers’ Compensation) who were previously without a way to treat now have access to at least some healthcare.